Monday, February 24, 2025

100th Day of Kindergarten!

Due to an E-learning day with cold temps and with a 2-hour late start, we still got to celebrate our 100th Day of Kindergarten - even though it was a day late! It was a day filled with fun activities like seeing how many times we could do different tasks in 100 seconds, finding 100 Hershey Kisses around our room and putting them in order from 1 - 100 and eating a special 100 Day snack! 

Valentine's Day!

It was a great day to FINALLY be able to open up all of our Valentine cards and treats!

I Love to Read Month!

Here are a few photos from I Love to Read Month - reading in the dark with flashlights and going to our 4th grade kinderbuddies room to have them help us fill in our book brackets!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Wacky Wednesday!

To celebrate the Letter Ww, we had Wacky Wednesday this week. The kids came to school dressed Wacky - mismatched clothes, clothes that were on backwards and inside out, wacky hair! We read the Book Wacky Wednesday that all started with a shoe on the wall. And guess what was on our wall! A shoe! It was definitely a Wacky Day!