Friday, June 5, 2015

And so it ends...

Here are some last photos...
 Signing our kindergarten t-shirts!

 One last group photo! more goofy class photo!
And this is it...the last hour of the day...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Q and U Wedding!

Yes, it's true! Miss Q and Mr. U got married here at Winsted Elementary last Friday! We invited our 4th grade kinderbuddies to join us for the ceremony. 
It was not quite a quiet event!
 Waiting for the wedding to start.

 Mrs. Heuer as the flower girl dropping rose petals.

 Miss Q and Mr. U waiting for the ceremony to start.

 The wedding!

 The cookie and punch reception!

 The Dance!

 Saying goodbye to Q and U as they head to Quebec for their honeymoon!

First Grade Visit!

We were fortunate enough to be able to visit first grade in preparation for next year! Some kiddos went to Mrs. Stifter's room and some went to Mrs. Poppler's room. Check out the photos!

Teacher of the Day Part 3

Here are our last teachers of the day! We learned some amazing skills taught by our kindergarten friends!
 Learning how to whistle!
 Learning how to make a paper airplane!
 Learning how to cast!
 Learning how to make a paper fan!
Learning how to make Kool-Aid!