Friday, May 19, 2017

Arboretum Field Trip

While the weather was not perfect for a field trip to the Arboretum, at least it didn't rain and we were able to do everything we planned to do. Check out all that we did!

 We were in the back of the bus...kind of bumpy...that is why the photo is not focused!

 Coloring on the bus to keep us busy!
 We started with a puppet show...

 Then we learned about bird nests...

 And we got to walk around outside looking for places where birds can get water, food, where they can items to build their nests and were they could build their nests.

 It was then back inside to plant Zinnia seeds and Dill seeds.

 Our last stop was to look at aphids through a microscope on a leaf...

 We then got to get a ladybug to release on a plant in hopes that they would eat the bad aphids!

 A ladybug close up!

 Finally...eating lunch!

 Stopping at the maze! Our group didn't quite make it as we kept hitting a lot of dead ends!

 A group photo!

 Our last stop...playing at the playground!

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