Monday, September 20, 2021

J is for Joke Day!

We had some great jokes for Joke Day in honor of the letter Jj! 
Check them out below:

Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Utah Who?
You talking to me?

Why did the kid cross the playground?
To get to the other slide.

What do you call a monkey when you take it's bananas?
Furious George!

Where does the sheep go to get his haircut?
To the baa baa shop!

What is black and white, has horns and milk?
A milk truck!

What does a snake learn in school?

What kind of apple is not an apple?
A pineapple!

How does the moon cut his hair?
Eclipse it!

What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?
A dino-snore!

Why was the dog sweating so much?
She was a hot dog!

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